Healthcare Therapy Services, Inc. is teaming up with Swiss Village Retirement Community in Berne, IN ( to provide a monthly series of education on fall prevention for older adults.
Interested in learning more about how you can be an effective partner in facility infection control efforts? Check out the “Partnering to Heal” computer based video-simulation training program at
to access the training tools and test your infection control knowledge by assuming the identity of a healthcare worker and making simulated decisions that impact patient outcomes and risk of transmission of MRSA, UTI and other infections. Check it out!
Please note: Content is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice, or as a substitute for the medical advice of a physician. Individuals are urged to consult with qualified healthcare providers for diagnosis and treatment and for answers to personal healthcare questions.
Check out this article “Pain relief is a bowl of cherries” just published in Rehab Management:
Excellent therapists are no longer defined by clinical skills alone. In today’s evolving healthcare climate, clinicians must be able to reflect the skilled nature of their problem solving abilities, direct care services and measurements of postive patient outcomes with precision. Therapy documentation may be used to determine if payment criteria are met under medical review. But keep in mind that your entries may also be scrutinized as part of a legal dispute and analyzed during facility surveys. The following tips will help you to meet the challenge of maintaining professional standards of documentation: Read more
Please join with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in promoting National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month. Estimates indicate that as many as 50 percent of Americans older than 50 will be at risk for osteoporosis fractures during their lifetimes. Osteoporosis is often called the “silent disease” because bone loss occurs without symptoms, but early diagnosis and treatment can reduce or prevent fractures from occurring. Read more
When I was informed that HTS had been named as “One of The Best Places to Work”, what stood out for me was to learn that 75% of this award was determined by the employees themselves. “Why did we receive so many positive comments?”-knowing that in more than 40 years of working in health care, therapists have many opportunities to work in different companies. All therapy companies have to be very competitive in salaries, benefits, training, etc, because there has always been a higher demand of patients needing our help than therapists to fill the needs.
Healthcare Therapy Services, Inc. was recently named as one of the 2011 Best Places to Work in Indiana for the large employer category with over 250 employees. The awards program was created in 2006 and is a project of the Indiana Chamber of Commerce, BizVoice®, Inside Indiana Business, the Indiana Economic Development Corporation and Best Companies Group. Read more
Congratulations to the following homes who were awarded with the distinct honor of being named one of the Best Nursing Homes in 2011 Read more
By Liz Jazwiec
I love February! Want to know why? Well, first off, it means we’ve made it through January—and thank goodness, because January is always a tough month with the end of the holidays, putting away the decorations, paying the bills, ugghh…And then of course there is the January weather! Wow, this year has been awful with the record cold temperatures and terrible winter storms. I landed in Atlanta one day and saw big piles of snow on the runways…What’s up with that? So when February 1 rolled around, I said good riddance to January; now we are in the home stretch of winter. Read more
Some of you might find this interesting: Jim Rohn is a renowned business philosopher who wrote the following article.
Remember: It never works to try and change others, we are better suited to changing ourselves and have faith in what effects will come from engaging others.
Christine Read more
Healthcare Therapy Services, Inc.
1500 American Way, Suite 110
Greenwood, IN 46143
Toll Free: (800) 486-4449
Fax: (317) 886-5025
Compliance Hotline
HTS Company ID number: 7816516030
Call 1-855-662-SAFE (1-855-662-7233)