We had a Great Time at the MCHS Back-to-School Bash

Thanks for including us, Metcalfe Health Care Center, at the Back to School Bash. We are proud to be your partner in therapy!

“Starting the School Year off Strong! We had a great time at the MCHS Back to School Bash last Thursday. Amy Neighbors and our therapy department conducted grip strength testing for both adults and kids and made it a bit of healthy competition. We are proud to provide outpatient therapy services for all ages. Just another way we serve our entire community. Here’s to a great 2019-2020 school year. Go Hornets!”

Follow along with our Facebook page to see how we’re helping communities just like yours!

Physical activity is a vital component to maintaining overall health. According to the CDC, “Older adults can obtain significant health benefits with a moderate amount of daily physical activity. The loss of strength and stamina attributed to aging is in part caused by reduced physical activity.” Did you know walking is one of the very best exercises you can do? Walking is an activity that most everyone can take part in and can be done just about anywhere. For older adults, the World Health Organization recommends at least 150 minutes of physical activity weekly. Walking has many health benefits as it can help prevent coronary heart disease, lower blood pressure, and improve circulation! Below are recommendations that can assist you in developing your own walking program. Always make sure to consult with your physician before beginning any new exercise routine.

Getting Started:

  • Doctor’s permission
  • Good pair of walking shoes
  • Safe place to walk
  • Walking buddy
  • Water bottle

Warm up your muscles to avoid stiffness and to reduce the risk of injury. Try flexibility exercises such as heel and toe raises.

Walk at a speed in which you feel comfortable. Start slow and gradually increase as tolerated. Walking should be continuous
and rhythmic. Pay attention to your posture, hold your head up, eyes forward and walk tall!

Stay Hydrated! Drink plenty of water before, during and after exercise.

Cool down after walking to return your body to its “resting state” and reduce risk of muscle soreness. Try stretching exercises such as a seated arm reach and piriformis stretch.

If you are having trouble standing, walking or moving around, physical therapy can help. Physical therapy can improve mobility and strength, and manage or eliminate pain. Talk to your doctor about any challenges you’re having and if physical therapy can help your condition.

The Bungee Mobility Trainer by Neurogym Tech. available through Medline

“Therapists like this piece of equipment because it allows our rehab guests to work on static and dynamic balance while eliminating the fear of falling. I witnessed a new CABG patient with sternal precautions dancing with one of our therapists using this device. Pretty amazing stuff!

Also, I like the design and smaller footprint of this piece as before our only options for partial weightbearing were to purchase ceiling tracks and harnesses, or large, expensive equipment that fits over treadmills and takes up too much space in the rehab gym. We have heard nothing but good reviews from our therapists on this piece of equipment. It’s becoming the next “must have” in addition to the Biodex Balance Trainer and the ACP Omnicycle which are always popular.”

–  Amanda Green, Executive Director Marketing & Strategic Development

Check it out now!

Approximately 350 million people worldwide have arthritis. Arthritis is a condition defined by painful
inflammation and stiffness of the joints. Exercise may be the last thing on a person’s mind when suffering
from arthritis. But exercise is absolutely crucial. A person may think exercise will aggravate their joint
pain and stiffness, but that’s not the case. Lack of exercise can actually make your joints even more
painful and stiff.

Exercise can:

• Strengthen the muscles around your joints
• Help you maintain bone strength
• Give you more energy to get through the day
• Help you control your weight
• Enhance your quality of life
• Improve your balance

Keeping muscles and surrounding tissue strong is crucial to maintaining support for your bones.
Not exercising weakens those supporting muscles, creating more stress on your joints. Exercise is
considered the most effective non-drug treatment for reducing pain and improving movement in patients.

How Therapy Can Help!
Although exercise is extremely important in managing arthritis symptoms, it may be hard to get started
and to maintain an exercise program. Overcoming the hurdles of pain, exhaustion, or boredom can be
very difficult, especially on your own. A physical or occupational therapist can help you to overcome
these hurdles and gain success in maintaining your exercise routine.

Physical therapists evaluate your needs and teach you how to exercise appropriately for joint mobility,
muscle strength and fitness. Physical therapists can also recommend exercises for you to do on your
own. These exercises might include; range-of-motion exercises, aerobic exercise and strength training.
Occupational therapists can also help by teaching you how to protect and reduce stress on your joints
while exercising and performing daily tasks. Talk to your doctor today about the benefits of both
physical and occupational therapy for your arthritis needs!

Sources: Arthritis Foundation

Your body was designed to move and WANTS you to exercise! The good news is that beginning an exercise program at any age has many benefits. Read more

How Exercise Benefits the Aging Brain

While medical experts and doctors are searching for cures and vaccinations to some of the diseases that affect the older generations, others say that the answer is right in front of us. Many agree that the answer to an aging brain isn’t to cure the symptoms but to treat the problem. The problem with aging is that new cells aren’t birthed as quickly as they once did. You’ve probably seen this in your own life.

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Minor cuts don’t seem to heal as fast as they once did and muscles take longer to recuperate from strain and stresses. That’s the sign that the body isn’t producing cells as fast as they do in children.

The brain is no different with new brain cells being created less and less often. When old cells die, new cells can’t replace them at the same rate they once did. That translates into diseases like dementia or loss of basic functions and memory. There are ways to reverse this trend. Regular exercise is now shown not just to benefit the heart, but the brain as well. Here are some of the exciting results that demonstrate how important wellness and exercise are to long lasting brain health.

Blood to the Brain Means Cells to the Rescue

Cardio exercise is meant to boost blood flow through the heart and brain. For years, the health benefits have been understood that more blood, and therefore more oxygen to the heart, keeps it healthy and strong well into the latter years of a person’s life. That’s not all it does. Brains with extra oxygen have been shown to reverse the trend to shrink, and have even been shown to expand. This is good news for those who are concerned about reduced brain abilities and loss of functions.

The studies state that age-related changes are significantly lower in those who regularly exercise their bodies beyond stretching and toning. In fact, the cells that grow are also able to repair damaged cells at a faster rate.

Exercise doesn’t just increase blood flow; it also stimulates the release of healthy hormones. These hormones actually trigger growth and repair of damaged cells. They are linked to improved health and happiness. This wellness is the key to preventing some serious effects of an aging brain.

Exercise Helps With Memory Loss

Short term memory loss is a common sign of aging. It starts with simple forgetfulness but it can have dramatic effects on those who need to manage medication or operate vehicles. Regular exercise, the type that brings out a light sweat helps the brain retain and create memories. There is a coating on the brain’s cells called myelin. Scientists are still trying to understand this chemical. Tennis players have an excess of myelin, as well as musicians and surgeons. It’s associated with focus and memory. The more myelin, the more a brain can process new information, create new links, and strengthen those links over time. In simpler terms, that translates to better memory and improved focus.

Exercise increases the production of myelin in the brain. It’s the difference between being able to remember a name or focus on a task, or having another one of those forgetful moments.

Wellness and Regular Exercise Creates Good Mental Health

A large part of the aging brain is related to a person’s will and mental strength. Their ability to remain flexible, adaptable, and open to change is a big factor in living longer. Those who exercise have been shown to have good emotional resilience, or in other words, a strong ability to adapt with life’s changes. Doctors have always known that those who recover from cancer or a debilitating injury are those who are mentally tough.

Exercise also reduces anxiety and stress, big contributors to the aging brains problems. People have been reducing stress through exercise as soon as the word was invented, so that’s nothing new. Exercise releases neurochemicals into the brain that help it to relax. Moods are improved, alertness is increased, and the brain can better process new information. These are all opposite effects to what a stagnant aging brain goes through. It deteriorates and loses the ability to process information, remain alert and sends the person into depressive, anxious states of mind.

Brain Health Reduces the Risk of Brain Illnesses

The big three symptoms of an aging brain are dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and strokes. With a healthy brain that has improved in size and resilience through regular exercise, the risk of those afflictions drops dramatically. The numbers are astonishing. With only one hour of moderate exercise a week, the risk of a stroke drops by 40%, dementia drops by 82%, and the big one, Alzheimer’s drops in risk as well.

Exercise Improves the Brain’s Ability to Release Insulin

As the body ages, so does the brain’s ability to keep up with the demands on aging organs. The brain doesn’t send signals for hormones as quickly anymore, which can be damaging when it comes to insulin. This is essential in processing sugar in our bodies and keeping it from building up as fat. Insulin production is affected with Type 2 Diabetes, a condition that is entirely manageable with regular exercise. When the brain is provided with regular exercise and increased blood flow, it produces more hormones such as insulin. The body can better do its job because the brain is active and responsive.

The signs of aging are varied and wide. There is an ancient proverb that states that the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today. This is the same as with the brain. The best time to start regular exercise to reverse the effects of aging is today. At least 1 hour per week or moderate exercise or 30 minutes of light exercise a few times a week can take years off an aging brain.

To learn more about the benefits of exercise and its impact on brain health, contact the team at HTS Therapy who specialize in providing therapy and exercise to promote wellness and complete health.  Also learn more about our MoveWell: Active Aging Redefined; a whole-person wellness model designed by exercise physiologists and therapists to engage every resident and all abilities in your senior living community.