1. Start Date: October 1, 2019
2. Applies only to traditional Medicare Part A Skilled Nursing Patients
3. PDPM is a site-neutral reimbursement structure for post-acute care.
4. May impact SNF episodic spending
5. May create opportunities for SNF to increase their clinical scope to accept higher acuity patients
6. Increase of information needed from the hospitals transfer documentation to justify all active conditions:
- History
- Physical
- Medication List
- Labs
- Therapy progress notes
- Chest X-ray
- Immunizations
Additional requested information under PDPM
- ICD.10 codes with specificity
- All active diagnoses
- Post-Operative Reports
- Any physician consults
7. PDPM should NOT affect the timeliness in which patients are accepted by Skilled Nursing Facilities
8. PDPM should not drastically reduce the amount of therapies provided or weekend availability
9. This is the largest change to SNF reimbursement in 20 years
10. There is opportunity to improve processes and care collaboration between hospitals and SNFs for optimal success under PDPM