HTS Blog
What is a Recruiters Role in the Employment Process?
Recruiters are usually the first people candidates come into contact with. We are the reflection of the company. We establish and attend job fairs, networking events and campus events. We know the…
2015 National Rehab Week Contest
HTS hosted our 4th Annual Rehab Week Contest and it was a huge success!
National Rehab Awareness Week was established by the National Rehabilitation Awareness Foundation (NRAF) to educate people about the benefits of rehabilitation. This…
Preventing Falls Among Older Adults
Balance is defined as the ability to maintain your center of gravity over your base of support (your feet). Poor balance can result in an unwanted movement, like a misstep, a wobble or tripping. Falling down is the ultimate loss of balance and…
5 Tips for Maximizing Your Student Conclave Experience
HTS is thrilled to be exhibiting at the 2015 APTA National Student Conclave in Omaha, Nebraska! In anticipation of the conference, we’ve put together a list of tips for getting the most out of your conference experience, whether it’s this…
Prevent and Manage Functional Decline in Active Adults – Including Fall Risk Management
By: Aretoula Nahas, PTA, Director of Outpatient Therapy
As the average age of entry for licensed assisted living is 85 years of age, senior living providers are very focused on keeping their residents as independent for as long as possible.…
Live Life To The Fullest
Every year, the National Rehabilitation Awareness Foundation designates the 3rd week in September to educate people about the benefits and impact of rehabilitation. Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, and Speech-Language Pathologists…
Infographic: 10 Health Tips For Older Men
While Americans are living longer than ever before, it's a wide known fact that women typically live longer than men. However, according to, "by taking care of themselves, experts agree, men can boost their odds of living healthier,…
Jimmo: Opportunity to Focus on Quality of Life Issues for Our Most Vulnerable
Jimmo v. Sebelius – Medicare Lawsuit Summary
Jimmo V. Sebelius is a court case we have all been hearing about and reading about on the internet regarding quality of life. The case involved Medicare beneficiaries and The Center for Medicare…
FDA Releases Recommendations Regarding Adult Portable Bed Rails
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released Consumer Guidance regarding portable bed rails safety and tips for caretakers on December 19, 2013. The recommendations were released because of the continuing injuries and deaths related…
Healthful Tips for Holiday Bliss
The end of the year is approaching, and we all know what that means: holiday fun and food galore! From the preparation of the meal(s) until the leftovers have diminished, every dish appears irresistible. Our taste buds are more than pleased…
CMS contractor TMH Health Quality Institute mailed PEPPER* reports to all Skilled Nursing Facilities
The PEPPER report compares your skilled nursing facilities to peers nationally on key measures identified by the OIG as potentially high risk areas for improper Medicare payments. PEPPER data will be shared with both the Medicare Administrator…
Change for Billing and Medical Review Notices
CMS has issued a memo, MM8268, stating that MACs are to redact the HICN number on all MRNs. MRNs are reconsideration request forms. The HICN will only show partial with asterisks in front, similar to what some credit card companies do when sending…