HTS Blog

bone health

The Importance of Maintaining Bone Health

Did you know your bones are alive?  Bones are made of living, breathing cells growing tissue.  Throughout life you will continue to lose bone and make new bone.  After age 30, your bone loss actually speeds up.  As you continue to age, you…

5 Reasons For Therapy in Assisted Living Communities

An assisted living community is designed for those individuals who can still function, but they need a bit of extra care undertaking their daily activities. There are two main variations of assisted living that these facilities care for. There…

SNF PEPPER Now Available: Implement an effective response in preparation for government audits

The Q4FY15 release of the Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Program for Evaluating Payment Patterns Electronic Report (PEPPER) with statistics through September 2015 is now available for download through the PEPPER Resources Portal. To obtain…

The Ultimate Guide to Finding Occupational Therapy Jobs

The occupational therapy job market always seems like a minefield filled with advice, either good or bad. It can seem difficult to manage and leverage offers against one another. Whether you’re seeking a different place of employment, or trying…

Occupational Therapy Jobs Outlook: What’s in Store for the Future

Occupational therapists will tell you that their job is rewarding, fulfilling, complex, and always a challenge, which is why they love it. They will also be glad to know that their future looks secure and strong with a very positive occupational…

Money Talks: Salary Tips for having that Awkward Conversation

As we tour the Midwest, networking with students and therapists, we are often prompted with questions regarding finding a job and making sure it’s a good fit. However, the most popular question continues to be, “how and when do I have…

Job Trends for Therapists

DEMAND FOR THERAPISTS CONTINUES TO GROW Economic health directly impacts job trends, but jobs in some market sectors are relatively unaffected by economic downturns. Those jobs are in industries which are driven more by demographics than by…

Seasonal Impact on Older Adults Health

For everything there is a season. Sports, farming, fashion … What about “fall” season? Does the time of year affect the types of injuries therapists may be treating in their older patients? Falls are a main cause of injury among older…

Relocating for a Job? 5 Tips for Your Job Search

During a recent college visit, we were prompted with this question: how do you know if a company is reputable if you’re not from the area? Many times, newly licensed therapists consider positions in different cities and states from where they…

Cultural Competence: Remember the 3 R’s

Check the news headlines and you can’t avoid seeing stories – usually negative – that essentially involve cultural clashes: wars, immigration debates, police-involved shootings, terrorism, the list goes on. In healthcare, there are similar…

Therapy’s Role in Dementia/Memory Care

By: Emily King, OTR, Clinical Consultant Dementia/Memory Care Dementia is one of the leading causes for placing a loved one in long term care. Nearly 60% of all nursing home elders have dementia and many individuals are concerned about the…


Let’s face it. Despite the fact we in the Long Term Care market tend to talk and focus on our Medicare A, Advantage and, more recently, private insurance patients…most of us still financially depend on our Case Mix rates. Except those…